
Different types of therapy are appropriate for different situations.

You may be looking for a therapist who can work with you on a particular issue you are having.  In individual therapy, you get the counselor’s undivided attention to address your particular challenge.

You might want to work with issues that you are experiencing as part of a couple.  Remember,  in couple’s therapy, the therapist will be treating the couple, and will probably be suggesting ways that both of you might change your ways of interacting.

Or you might want to bring the entire family.  Family issues can be especially painful and can become toxic if not addressed.  Or perhaps you might just want to bring the family in for a tune up, if things are getting a little dicy around the fights over the remote control.  Perhaps you are wanting to shift the dynamic from “remote control” to “intimacy and support.”  Now there’s a thought.

This section also details some of the schools of therapeutic thought that are employed in sessions.  For those of you who want to know more, check out the “Therapeutic Approaches” section.

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