Relationship Issues

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you wondering what happened to the passion that you and your beloved used to share?
  • Do you feel like you need to be with your sweetie all the time?
  • Do you feel smothered by your significant other’s neediness?
  • Do you feel controlled by your significant other’s demands?
  • Can you be yourself when with your beloved?
  • Are you two arguing all the time?
  • Have you ever even seen what you would consider to be a healthy relationship upon which you can model yours?
  • Would you and your lover like to learn how you can help one another learn and grow to be the best you can be, individually and together?


Can you imagine yourself like this instead?

  • Using the inevitable conflicts that come up in relationship to learn and grow
  • Supported and relaxed when with your beloved
  • Able to be yourself.  Able to encourage your partner to do the same.
  • Able to express yourself in a productive, healthy manner
  • Able to identify your needs, and request assistance in filling them from your partner.
  • Able to find other strategies to fulfill your needs if your partner is not available
  • Able to love in a mature way, which will continue to grow as you grow together as a couple, rather than fizzling out once the initial love addiction wears off
  • Enjoying the passion that enriches and adds fun to life



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